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through data

mantro helps leading companies to make better and faster innovation decisions. Data-based and without gut feeling.

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Why mid-market companies and corporations need a data-driven approach to innovation.

90% of all innovations fail.

What if you could recognize the successful 10%? We have developed an approach to map innovation ecosystems and identify next-generation business models. Through our data-based approach, we find ecosystems and business models that no one else sees.

How our
customers benefit

Idea generation

Looking for good ideas is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Don't waste your time randomly searching for ideas like everyone else. We offer a data-driven navigation system that guides you to the most promising business models in your target market.

Idea evaluation

The choice of ideas is often like a game of dice. We provide the data to make solid decisions without exposing you or your company to unnecessary risk.

Options for action

Are you too late or even too early with your project? Timing is crucial for successful implementation. Whether it's an investment or the implementation of a new business model, we provide the data points that signal whether it's the right time to implement your project.


Leading companies already trust our analyses.

Our experts have already worked with many start-ups, SMEs and corporations. Together with our clients, we have laid the foundations for successful innovation and long-term success.

Our approach
at a glance

This is your market. It contains thousands of companies with different business models.

We combine different data sources to identify market structures.

  • VC Data
  • Market Data
  • Web & traffic Data
  • Tech Data

We extract sub segments ...

... which we divide into detailed business model segments covering the business models with the greatest potential in their field.

We use our experience-based KPIs to evaluate and compare the success potential of each business model.

  • Investment Dynamics
  • Start-up dynamics
  • Web Traffic Dynamics
  • IP Dynamics
  • Maturity level of competitors
  • Time to success
  • Capital requirements

As a result, we identify the most promising business models with the highest momentum in the market.




Our customers can choose from two analysis packages
, based on different starting points.

Innovation navigation system

We explore and map the entire innovation ecosystem of your strategic playground of the future. Based on this, we conduct an in-depth analysis and develop key performance indicators for all relevant market and business model segments. With these insights, we evaluate the ecosystem and select the most suitable business opportunities.

Success Potential Report

We explore and map the ecosystem around the business idea. We then conduct an in-depth analysis and develop performance metrics for evaluation. Finally, we derive the potential for success.

Joschka Dolling
Head of Intelligence
Jenny Adamczak
Procedure of a successful cooperation.

In just three steps
and four weeks to clarity.

Whether it's an innovation navigation system or a success potential report, we deliver concrete results and thus ensure clarity.

01 Input

All we need from you is the business idea, the investment target or the target industry (digital identity, real estate, health tech, etc.).

02 Process

We perform the necessary analyses and evaluations, process all collected information in a clear and easily digestible manner and derive potential courses of action.

03 Output

Finally, you will receive either a concrete assessment of the success potential of a business idea or specific instructions for promising business models in the respective target markets.


01 What data is used for the analysis?

In a unique approach, we analyze venture capital market data, internet traffic data, patent applications, and market data. We calculate case-based KPIs to assess the success potential of specific business models and entire market segments.

02Doesthe intelligence studio also offer a SaaS tool?

No. Human intelligence is required here. Experienced venture architects and analysts create the data structure for each use case. The data engine then does the magic, brings the data sources together, finds patterns and calculates the KPIs we need.

03How quickly can you start a project?

We offer project launches within 14 days of a project inquiry. This enables us to create a data-based basis for action in just 6 weeks - from initial contact to delivery.

04 What is the cost of cooperation?

The cost of cooperation depends on the selected service package. For more detailed information regarding pricing structures, contact us directly. We will find out which package is suitable for your needs.

Contact us to get clarity.