+49 89 41617700
Zielstattstr. 19
D-81379 Munich


"Supercharging inventiveness" is our mission statement. Developed from over 19 years of working with corporations, SMEs and start-ups, it now serves as our North Star. It determines the role we want to play for our customers, how we see ourselves and how we act - day after day.

mantro is Germany's most experienced ecosystem for digital innovation and transformation.

Digital innovation and transformation are a journey, not a sprint.

The narratives of an increasingly digital world tell us that companies are too slow. Agility and a radical overhaul of internal processes are required. For us, successful change and the creation of something new do not come about through short sprints or actionism, but through a consistent approach to digitalization. It's not about arriving in the digital world. It's about being on the move in the digital world.

We founded the mantro ecosystem for innovation and transformation to work with companies on their digital journey. True to the motto: If you want to be fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.



Large companies with an international reach form the basis for our prosperity. Since industrialization, it has been their groundbreaking innovations that have shaped our world and our everyday lives. They owe their success and growth to the establishment of processes and systems. But as structures grow, the power of innovation dwindles.

Between empires and innovation

Structures create reliability. However, a rigid system makes it difficult to think and act freely. Innovation requires a willingness to take responsibility and to allow for possible failure. This willingness can be found in young companies in particular. In the first few years, new things are tried out and tested on the market, chaos is navigated and the lack of structures is celebrated. But if you want to scale up and conquer the world, at some point you have to bring order to the chaos and fall back on precisely those processes that seemed unthinkable at the beginning. So how can you do one thing without leaving the other behind?


The imperative of digital transformation tells us: We are too slow. We are lagging behind. We need to hurry up. Hectically, we turn to a challenge and try to master it as quickly as possible. But if we stare at a problem as if spellbound, we quickly lose sight of the big picture. The complex issues of the digital world cannot be simplified and reduced to a project. Their context is crucial to the success of a real reboot.


How do you make decisions in a complex world? You take the first step and gain new insights and perspectives. Setting out is the real goal in a constantly changing world. What is conceived today may be outdated tomorrow - that is the fear. The alternative is simple: the goal is not to arrive in the digital world. It is to be on the move in the digital world. Just do it and overcome resistance. It's fun. I promise.


You've summoned up all your courage and ingenuity and come up with something really new. And now? How do you get it out into the world quickly and in a commercially viable way? What happens if you fail? The answer is surprisingly simple: it is not the idea that is at the heart of innovation, but the person. And they need real freedom: trust and a willingness to take risks as well as composure and patience if something doesn't work right from the start. Then they boldly set out to test ideas and concepts and bring back what they have learned. This creates a real spirit of optimism.

Free space

Taking responsibility means making far-reaching decisions together. This can only be achieved successfully if there is an open exchange about expectations, doubts, fears and wishes. And even before you set off together. Constant communication about successes, failures and the small and large events in between creates transparency. This is the basis for the trust needed to break new ground together.

19 years of experience with corporations, SMEs and start-ups.

The mantro ecosystem - Home of Entrepreneurship  

mantro is a community of experts, entrepreneurs, ventures and partners. Together, we create innovation and drive transformation. Our focus is clearly on one thing: stimulating and strengthening the inventive spirit of companies, industries and markets.

Time Machine
Back to the

The year is 2005 at

YouTube is in the process of being founded and MySpace is also still trending.

And in the middle of it all: three young men from Munich who are starting to develop digital technologies for companies. To capture the infectious energy of Manfred Tropper (CEO), they decide to call their idea "mantro. What follows over the next few years is a wild ride with many ups, downs, twists and dead ends.


The mantro ecosystem is Germany's strongest alliance for digital innovation and transformation. Arrange a free initial consultation now.